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Be available at start time or reserve a slot.
To participate in casual raids simply be available with your meta class geared and food in your inventory at start time to fill any available spots.  If you plan to attend you may reserve a spot with your raid host ahead of time. Note: A minimum of 4 people must sign up in advance for casual raids to be run. Please let our Senior Officer know in advance if you are sure you would like to attend. 

You must be able to run the meta builds and gear. 
The meta has been proven to produce results on a consistent basis by the raiding community and translates over to just about any raid team.  You will be expected to have it and be geared in at least ascended trinkets and primary weapon with few exceptions.  The more classes you can run the greater your odds are on being taken that night.

Know your rotations. 
Gearing up a character and throwing on a build is not enough on its own.  You will be expected to know how to run your build, adjust it when needed, and generally know why you are running the traits and skills you are using.  You should not go into a raid never having at least practiced on a golem or lacking the understanding of your skills.

Inform yourself.
We realize nobody is born with raid experience.  However, you should never show up to a run and need to have the mechanics of a fight explained to you.  There are plenty of guides and videos online to understand what to expect before you even enter a raid. It is disrespectful to the other members of your team to have to take the time to explain the encounter when your other teammates have already taken the time to learn it.

Often times, the biggest barrier to entry for new players is gear. As such, we find most new raiders are not interested in playing support roles due to the often high price tag. This is a problem as we get very few new players interested in filling for support. As such our Senior Officer has compiled a list of budget builds for those interested in playing a support role. Please check them out if this interests you!

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